Charlotte, Emily & Anne Brontë

Ann Bronte Emily Bronte Charlotte Bronte
Artist: Branwell Brontë, Source: Digitally restored from National Portrait Gallery
Charlotte – Born: 1816, Died: 1855
Emily – Born: 1818, Died: 1848
Ann – Born: 1820, Died: 1849
The 3 sisters born over 4 years apart in England between 1816 & 1820, all avid readers who became famous novelists and poets, each publishing books under pen names.
Charlotte’s best known, masterpiece of a novel, Jane Eyre, was published under her pen name Currer Bell.
Emily was best known for her literary classic Wuthering Heights, written under the pen name Ellis Bell.
Ann’s most notable book The Tenant of Wildfell Hall – was published under her pen name of Acton Bell.
“But life is a battle: may we all be enabled to fight it well!” – Charlotte Brontë