Maria Contreras-Sweet

Maria Contreras Sweet
Author: Small Business Administration, 2014, Public Domain;

Born Dec. 24, 1955 in Mexico

Appointed by President Obama as the 1st Latina First Business Administrator (FBA) following her success as California’s 1st Latina Cabinet Secretary in the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency.

Had a successful private sector business career including founding ProAmérica Bank, which assists small to medium-sized businesses and nonprofits with capital and financial solutions.

Despite not speaking any English, she immigrated to Los Angeles from Guadalajara at 5 with her mother and 5 siblings.

Founding President of the Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE), which provides political education to Hispanic women.

She said, “If you focus, if you work hard, maybe you’ll be able not to be a migrant worker, but a worker in an office and maybe one day you’ll be a secretary. And that’s the beauty of the country.”