Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix
Author: Warner/Reprise Records
Born: 1942 in Seattle, WA
Died: 1970
His first instrument was a one-string ukulele he found in some garbage, followed by an electric guitar he got for $5.
Enlisted in U.S. Army as paratrooper in 101st Airborne Division but wasn’t much for the military; given honorable discharge.
Considered the greatest rock guitarist of all time, was also a singer and songwriter.
Was influenced and inspired by B.B. King, Little Richard, Chuck Berry and Elvis.
As the creator of the sound effects of distortion & using the “wah-wah,” he completely changed rock & roll’s sound.
The Jimi Hendrix Experience was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992 and is also in the R&B Hall of Fame.